----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Miso.Effect -- Copyright : (C) 2016-2025 David M. Johnson -- License : BSD3-style (see the file LICENSE) -- Maintainer : David M. Johnson <code@dmj.io> -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable -- -- This module defines `Effect`, `Sub` and `Sink` types, which are used to define -- `Miso.Types.update` function and `Miso.Types.subs` field of the `Miso.Types.App`. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Miso.Effect ( -- ** Effect -- *** Types Effect , Sub , Sink -- *** Combinators , effectSub , scheduleIO , scheduleIO_ , scheduleIOFor_ , scheduleSub , mapSub , noEff , (<#) , (#>) , batchEff , io , issue -- * Internal , runEffect ) where ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail, fail) import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT(StateT), execStateT) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, put) import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict (Writer, runWriter) import Control.Monad.Writer (tell, MonadWriter) import Data.Foldable (for_) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Miso.FFI (JSM, consoleError) import Miso.String (ms) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Type synonym for constructing event subscriptions. -- -- The 'Sink' callback is used to dispatch actions which are then fed -- back to the 'Miso.Types.update' function. type Sub action = Sink action -> JSM () ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Function to asynchronously dispatch actions to the 'Miso.Types.update' function. type Sink action = action -> JSM () ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Turn a subscription that consumes actions of type @a@ into a subscription -- that consumes actions of type @b@ using the supplied function of type @a -> b@. mapSub :: (a -> b) -> Sub a -> Sub b mapSub f sub = \g -> sub (g . f) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Smart constructor for an 'Effect' with no actions. noEff :: model -> Effect model action () noEff = put ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Smart constructor for an 'Effect' with exactly one action. infixl 0 <# (<#) :: model -> JSM action -> Effect model action () (<#) m action = put m >> tell [ \sink -> sink =<< action ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | `Effect` smart constructor, flipped infixr 0 #> (#>) :: JSM action -> model -> Effect model action () (#>) = flip (<#) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Smart constructor for an 'Effect' with multiple actions. batchEff :: model -> [JSM action] -> Effect model action () batchEff model actions = put model >> do forM_ actions $ \action -> tell [ \sink -> sink =<< action ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like '<#' but schedules a subscription which is an IO computation which has -- access to a 'Sink' which can be used to asynchronously dispatch actions to -- the 'Miso.Types.update' function. -- -- A use-case is scheduling an IO computation which creates a 3rd-party JS -- widget which has an associated callback. The callback can then call the sink -- to turn events into actions. To do this without accessing a sink requires -- going via a @'Sub'scription@ which introduces a leaky-abstraction. effectSub :: model -> Sub action -> Effect model action () effectSub model sub = do put model tell [sub] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A monad for succinctly expressing model transitions in the @update@ function. -- -- @Effect@ is a state monad so it abstracts over manually passing the model -- around. It's also a writer monad where the accumulator is a list of scheduled -- IO actions. Multiple actions can be scheduled using -- @Control.Monad.Writer.Class.tell@ from the @mtl@ library and a single action -- can be scheduled using 'scheduleIO'. -- -- An @Effect@ represents the results of an update action. -- -- It consists of the updated model and a list of subscriptions. Each 'Sub' is -- run in a new thread so there is no risk of accidentally blocking the -- application. -- -- Tip: use the @Effect@ monad in combination with the stateful -- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens-4.15.4/docs/Control-Lens-Operators.html lens> -- operators (all operators ending in "@=@"). The following example assumes -- the lenses @field1@, @counter@ and @field2@ are in scope and that the -- @LambdaCase@ language extension is enabled: -- -- @ -- myApp = App -- { update = \\case -- MyAction1 -> do -- field1 .= value1 -- counter += 1 -- MyAction2 -> do -- field2 %= f -- scheduleIO $ do -- putStrLn \"Hello\" -- putStrLn \"World!\" -- , ... -- } -- @ newtype Effect model action a = Effect (StateT model (Writer [Sub action]) a) deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadState model, MonadWriter [Sub action]) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | @MonadFail@ instance for @Effect@ instance MonadFail (Effect model action) where fail s = do io $ consoleError (ms s) Fail.fail s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Internal function used to unwrap an 'Effect' runEffect :: model -> Effect model action a -> (model, [Sub action]) runEffect m (Effect action) = runWriter (execStateT action m) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Schedule a single IO action for later execution. -- -- Note that multiple IO action can be scheduled using -- @Control.Monad.Writer.Class.tell@ from the @mtl@ library. scheduleIO :: JSM action -> Effect model action () scheduleIO action = scheduleSub (\sink -> action >>= sink) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like 'scheduleIO' but doesn't cause an action to be dispatched to -- the @update@ function. -- -- This is handy for scheduling IO computations where you don't care -- about their results or when they complete. scheduleIO_ :: JSM () -> Effect model action () scheduleIO_ action = scheduleSub (\_ -> action) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like 'scheduleIO_ but generalized to any instance of 'Foldable' -- -- This is handy for scheduling IO computations that return a `Maybe` value scheduleIOFor_ :: Foldable f => JSM (f action) -> Effect model action () scheduleIOFor_ action = scheduleSub $ \sink -> action >>= flip for_ sink ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Like 'scheduleIO' but schedules a subscription which is an IO -- computation that has access to a 'Sink' which can be used to -- asynchronously dispatch actions to the @update@ function. -- -- A use-case is scheduling an IO computation which creates a -- 3rd-party JS widget which has an associated callback. The callback -- can then call the sink to turn events into actions. To do this -- without accessing a sink requires going via a @'Sub'scription@ -- which introduces a leaky-abstraction. scheduleSub :: Sub action -> Effect model action () scheduleSub sub = Effect $ lift $ tell [ sub ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A synonym for @tell@, specialized to @Effect@ -- -- > update :: Action -> Effect Model Action () -- > update = \case -- > Click -> issue HelloWorld -- -- @since -- -- Used to issue new @action@ issue :: action -> Effect model action () issue action = tell [ \sink -> sink action ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A shorter synonym for @scheduleIO_@ -- -- > update :: Action -> Effect Model Action () -- > update = \case -- > HelloWorld -> io (consoleLog "Hello World") -- -- @since -- -- This is handy for scheduling IO computations where you don't care -- about their results or when they complete. io :: JSM () -> Effect model action () io = scheduleIO_ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------