{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Miso.Event.Decoder
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2016-2025 David M. Johnson
-- License     :  BSD3-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  David M. Johnson <code@dmj.io>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
module Miso.Event.Decoder
  ( -- ** Types
    Decoder (..)
  , DecodeTarget (..)
    -- ** Combinators
  , at
    -- ** Decoders
  , emptyDecoder
  , keycodeDecoder
  , keyInfoDecoder
  , checkedDecoder
  , valueDecoder
  , pointerDecoder
  ) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Aeson.Types
#ifdef GHCJS_OLD
import GHCJS.Marshal (ToJSVal(toJSVal))
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (ToJSVal(toJSVal))
import Miso.Event.Types
import Miso.String
-- | Data type representing path (consisting of field names) within event object
-- where a decoder should be applied.
data DecodeTarget
  = DecodeTarget [MisoString]
  -- ^ Specify single path within Event object, where a decoder should be applied.
  | DecodeTargets [[MisoString]]
  -- ^ Specify multiple paths withing Event object, where decoding should be attempted. The first path where decoding suceeds is the one taken.
-- | `ToJSVal` instance for `Decoder`
instance ToJSVal DecodeTarget where
  toJSVal (DecodeTarget xs) = toJSVal xs
  toJSVal (DecodeTargets xs) = toJSVal xs
-- | Decoder data type for parsing events
data Decoder a
  = Decoder
  { decoder :: Value -> Parser a
    -- ^ FromJSON-based Event decoder
  , decodeAt :: DecodeTarget
    -- ^ Location in DOM of where to decode
-- | Smart constructor for building a `Decoder`.
at :: [MisoString] -> (Value -> Parser a) -> Decoder a
at decodeAt decoder = Decoder {decodeAt = DecodeTarget decodeAt, ..}
-- | Empty decoder for use with events like "click" that do not
-- return any meaningful values
emptyDecoder :: Decoder ()
emptyDecoder = mempty `at` go
    go = withObject "emptyDecoder" $ \_ -> pure ()
-- | Retrieves either "keyCode", "which" or "charCode" field in `Decoder`
keycodeDecoder :: Decoder KeyCode
keycodeDecoder = Decoder {..}
    decodeAt = DecodeTarget mempty
    decoder = withObject "event" $ \o ->
       KeyCode <$> (o .: "keyCode" <|> o .: "which" <|> o .: "charCode")
-- | Retrieves either "keyCode", "which" or "charCode" field in `Decoder`,
-- along with shift, ctrl, meta and alt.
keyInfoDecoder :: Decoder KeyInfo
keyInfoDecoder = Decoder {..}
    decodeAt =
      DecodeTarget mempty
    decoder =
      withObject "event" $ \o ->
          <$> (o .: "keyCode" <|> o .: "which" <|> o .: "charCode")
          <*> o .: "shiftKey"
          <*> o .: "metaKey"
          <*> o .: "ctrlKey"
          <*> o .: "altKey"
-- | Retrieves "value" field in `Decoder`
valueDecoder :: Decoder MisoString
valueDecoder = Decoder {..}
    decodeAt = DecodeTarget ["target"]
    decoder = withObject "target" $ \o -> o .: "value"
-- | Retrieves "checked" field in Decoder
checkedDecoder :: Decoder Checked
checkedDecoder = Decoder {..}
    decodeAt = DecodeTarget ["target"]
    decoder = withObject "target" $ \o ->
      Checked <$> (o .: "checked")
-- | Pointer decoder for use with events like "onpointerover"
pointerDecoder :: Decoder PointerEvent
pointerDecoder = Decoder {..}
    pair o x y = liftA2 (,) (o .: x) (o .: y)
    decodeAt = DecodeTarget mempty
    decoder = withObject "pointerDecoder" $ \o ->
        <$> o .: "pointerType"
        <*> o .: "pointerId"
        <*> o .: "isPrimary"
        <*> pair o "clientX" "clientY"
        <*> pair o "screenX" "screenY"
        <*> pair o "pageX" "pageY"
        <*> pair o "tiltX" "tiltY"
        <*> o .: "pressure"