{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Miso.Html.Types (
VTree (..)
, View (..)
, ToView (..)
, runView
, node
, text
, textRaw
, rawHtml
, Attribute (..)
, Key (..)
, ToKey (..)
, NS(..)
, prop
, style_
, on
, onWithOptions
, onCreated
, onDestroyed
, onBeforeDestroyed
) where
import Control.Monad (forM_, (<=<))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, Value, toJSON)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseEither)
import Data.JSString (JSString)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHCJS.Marshal (ToJSVal, fromJSVal, toJSVal)
import GHCJS.Types (jsval)
import qualified JavaScript.Array as JSArray
import JavaScript.Object (create, getProp)
import JavaScript.Object.Internal (Object(Object))
import qualified Lucid as L
import qualified Lucid.Base as L
import Prelude hiding (null)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Servant.API (Get, HasLink(MkLink, toLink))
import Text.HTML.TagSoup.Tree (parseTree, TagTree(..))
import Text.HTML.TagSoup (Tag(..))
import Miso.Effect
import Miso.Event
import Miso.FFI
import Miso.String hiding (reverse)
data View action
= Node NS MisoString (Maybe Key) [Attribute action] [View action]
| Text MisoString
| TextRaw MisoString
deriving Functor
instance HasLink (View a) where
type MkLink (View a) b = MkLink (Get '[] ()) b
toLink toA Proxy = toLink toA (Proxy :: Proxy (Get '[] ()))
class ToView v where toView :: v -> View action
:: MisoString
-> View action
rawHtml = TextRaw
node :: NS
-> MisoString
-> Maybe Key
-> [Attribute action]
-> [View action]
-> View action
node = Node
text :: MisoString -> View action
text = Text
textRaw :: MisoString -> View action
textRaw = TextRaw
instance IsString (View a) where
fromString = text . fromString
instance L.ToHtml (View action) where
toHtmlRaw = L.toHtml
toHtml (Node _ vType _ attrs vChildren) = L.with ele lattrs
noEnd = ["img", "input", "br", "hr", "meta"]
tag = toTag $ fromMisoString vType
ele = if tag `P.elem` noEnd
then L.makeElementNoEnd tag
else L.makeElement tag kids
classes = T.intercalate " " [ v | P "class" (A.String v) <- attrs ]
propClass = M.fromList $ attrs >>= \case
P k v -> [(k, v)]
E _ -> []
S m -> [("style", A.String . fromMisoString $ M.foldrWithKey go mempty m)]
go :: MisoString -> MisoString -> MisoString -> MisoString
go k v ys = mconcat [ k, ":", v, ";" ] <> ys
xs = if not (T.null classes)
then M.insert "class" (A.String classes) propClass
else propClass
lattrs = [ L.makeAttribute k' (if k `P.elem` exceptions && v == A.Bool True then k' else v')
| (k,v) <- M.toList xs
, let k' = fromMisoString k
, let v' = toHtmlFromJSON v
, not (k `P.elem` exceptions && v == A.Bool False)
exceptions = [ "checked"
, "disabled"
, "selected"
, "hidden"
, "readOnly"
, "autoplay"
, "required"
, "default"
, "autofocus"
, "multiple"
, "noValidate"
, "autocomplete"
toTag = T.toLower
kids = foldMap L.toHtml $ collapseSiblingTextNodes vChildren
toHtml (Text x) | null x = L.toHtml (" " :: T.Text)
| otherwise = L.toHtml (fromMisoString x :: T.Text)
toHtml (TextRaw x)
| null x = L.toHtml (" " :: T.Text)
| otherwise = L.toHtmlRaw (fromMisoString x :: T.Text)
collapseSiblingTextNodes :: [View a] -> [View a]
collapseSiblingTextNodes [] = []
collapseSiblingTextNodes (Text x : Text y : xs) =
collapseSiblingTextNodes (Text (x <> y) : xs)
collapseSiblingTextNodes (x:xs) =
x : collapseSiblingTextNodes xs
toHtmlFromJSON :: Value -> T.Text
toHtmlFromJSON (A.String t) = t
toHtmlFromJSON (A.Number t) = T.pack (show t)
toHtmlFromJSON (A.Bool b) = if b then "true" else "false"
toHtmlFromJSON A.Null = "null"
toHtmlFromJSON (A.Object o) = T.pack (show o)
toHtmlFromJSON (A.Array a) = T.pack (show a)
newtype VTree = VTree { getTree :: Object }
runView :: View action -> Sink action -> JSM VTree
runView (Node ns tag key attrs kids) sink = do
vnode <- create
cssObj <- objectToJSVal =<< create
propsObj <- objectToJSVal =<< create
eventObj <- objectToJSVal =<< create
set "css" cssObj vnode
set "props" propsObj vnode
set "events" eventObj vnode
set "type" ("vnode" :: JSString) vnode
set "ns" ns vnode
set "tag" tag vnode
set "key" key vnode
setAttrs vnode
flip (set "children") vnode
=<< ghcjsPure . jsval
=<< setKids
pure $ VTree vnode
setAttrs vnode =
forM_ attrs $ \case
P k v -> do
val <- toJSVal v
o <- getProp "props" vnode
set k val (Object o)
E attr -> attr sink vnode
S m -> do
cssObj <- getProp "css" vnode
forM_ (M.toList m) $ \(k,v) -> do
set k v (Object cssObj)
setKids = do
kidsViews <- traverse (objectToJSVal . getTree <=< flip runView sink) kids
ghcjsPure (JSArray.fromList kidsViews)
runView (Text t) _ = do
vtree <- create
set "type" ("vtext" :: JSString) vtree
set "text" t vtree
pure $ VTree vtree
runView (TextRaw str) sink =
case parseView str of
[] ->
runView (Text (" " :: MisoString)) sink
[parent] ->
runView parent sink
kids -> do
runView (Node HTML "div" Nothing mempty kids) sink
parseView :: MisoString -> [View a]
parseView html = reverse (go (parseTree html) [])
go [] xs = xs
go (TagLeaf (TagText s) : next) views =
go next (Text s : views)
go (TagLeaf (TagOpen name attrs) : next) views =
go (TagBranch name attrs [] : next) views
go (TagBranch name attrs kids : next) views =
attrs' = [ P key $ A.String (fromMisoString val)
| (key, val) <- attrs
newNode =
Node HTML name Nothing attrs' (reverse (go kids []))
go next (newNode:views)
go (TagLeaf _ : next) views =
go next views
data NS
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToJSVal NS where
toJSVal SVG = toJSVal ("svg" :: JSString)
toJSVal HTML = toJSVal ("html" :: JSString)
toJSVal MATHML = toJSVal ("mathml" :: JSString)
newtype Key = Key MisoString
instance ToJSVal Key where toJSVal (Key x) = toJSVal x
class ToKey key where toKey :: key -> Key
instance ToKey Key where toKey = id
instance ToKey JSString where toKey = Key . toMisoString
instance ToKey T.Text where toKey = Key . toMisoString
instance ToKey String where toKey = Key . toMisoString
instance ToKey Int where toKey = Key . toMisoString
instance ToKey Double where toKey = Key . toMisoString
instance ToKey Float where toKey = Key . toMisoString
instance ToKey Word where toKey = Key . toMisoString
data Attribute action
= P MisoString Value
| E (Sink action -> Object -> JSM ())
| S (M.Map MisoString MisoString)
deriving Functor
prop :: ToJSON a => MisoString -> a -> Attribute action
prop k v = P k (toJSON v)
on :: MisoString
-> Decoder r
-> (r -> action)
-> Attribute action
on = onWithOptions defaultOptions
:: Options
-> MisoString
-> Decoder r
-> (r -> action)
-> Attribute action
onWithOptions options eventName Decoder{..} toAction =
E $ \sink n -> do
eventObj <- getProp "events" n
eventHandlerObject@(Object eo) <- create
jsOptions <- toJSVal options
decodeAtVal <- toJSVal decodeAt
cb <- callbackToJSVal <=< asyncCallback1 $ \e -> do
Just v <- fromJSVal =<< objectToJSON decodeAtVal e
case parseEither decoder v of
Left s -> error $ "Parse error on " <> unpack eventName <> ": " <> s
Right r -> liftIO (sink (toAction r))
set "runEvent" cb eventHandlerObject
registerCallback cb
set "options" jsOptions eventHandlerObject
set eventName eo (Object eventObj)
onCreated :: action -> Attribute action
onCreated action =
E $ \sink n -> do
cb <- callbackToJSVal =<< asyncCallback (liftIO (sink action))
set "onCreated" cb n
registerCallback cb
onDestroyed :: action -> Attribute action
onDestroyed action =
E $ \sink n -> do
cb <- callbackToJSVal =<< asyncCallback (liftIO (sink action))
set "onDestroyed" cb n
registerCallback cb
onBeforeDestroyed :: action -> Attribute action
onBeforeDestroyed action =
E $ \sink n -> do
cb <- callbackToJSVal =<< asyncCallback (liftIO (sink action))
set "onBeforeDestroyed" cb n
registerCallback cb
style_ :: M.Map MisoString MisoString -> Attribute action
style_ = S