miso- A tasty Haskell front-end framework

Copyright(C) 2016-2018 David M. Johnson
LicenseBSD3-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerDavid M. Johnson <djohnson.m@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone



Example usage:

import Miso

data IntAction = Add | Subtract

intView :: Int -> View IntAction
intView n = div_ [ class_ "main" ] [
   btn_ [ onClick Add ] [ text_ "+" ]
 , text_ $ pack (show n)
 , btn_ [ onClick Subtract ] [ text_ "-" ]

More information on how to use miso is available on GitHub




nodeHtml :: MisoString -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action Source #

Used to construct VNode's in View

nodeHtmlKeyed :: MisoString -> Key -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action Source #

Construct a node with a Key

trKeyed_ :: Key -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action Source #

Contains Key, inteded to be used for child replacement patch


liKeyed_ :: Key -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action Source #

Contains Key, inteded to be used for child replacement patch


script_ :: [Attribute action] -> MisoString -> View action Source #


This takes the raw text to be put in the script tag.

That means that if any part of the text is not trusted there's a potential JavaScript injection. Read more at https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/xss/

You can also easily shoot yourself in the foot with something like:

script_ [] "</script>"

data Attribute action Source #

Attribute of a vnode in a View.

The Sink callback can be used to dispatch actions which are fed back to the update function. This is especially useful for event handlers like the onclick attribute. The second argument represents the vnode the attribute is attached to.


P MisoString Value 
E (Sink action -> Object -> JSM ()) 
S (Map MisoString MisoString) 
Functor Attribute Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Attribute a -> Attribute b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Attribute b -> Attribute a Source #

class ToKey key where Source #

Convert custom key types to Key.

Instances of this class do not have to guarantee uniqueness of the generated keys, it is up to the user to do so. toKey must be an injective function.


toKey :: key -> Key Source #

ToKey Double Source #

Convert Double to Key

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: Double -> Key Source #

ToKey Float Source #

Convert Float to Key

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: Float -> Key Source #

ToKey Int Source #

Convert Int to Key

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: Int -> Key Source #

ToKey Word Source #

Convert Word to Key

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: Word -> Key Source #

ToKey String Source #

Convert String to Key

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: String -> Key Source #

ToKey Text Source #

Convert Text to Key

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: Text -> Key Source #

ToKey JSString Source #

Convert MisoString to Key

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: JSString -> Key Source #

ToKey Key Source #

Identity instance

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: Key -> Key Source #

newtype Key Source #

A unique key for a dom node.

This key is only used to speed up diffing the children of a DOM node, the actual content is not important. The keys of the children of a given DOM node must be unique. Failure to satisfy this invariant gives undefined behavior at runtime.


Key MisoString 
ToJSVal Key Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types

ToKey Key Source #

Identity instance

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toKey :: Key -> Key Source #

data NS Source #

Namespace of DOM elements.



HTML Namespace


SVG Namespace


MATHML Namespace

Eq NS Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


(==) :: NS -> NS -> Bool Source #

(/=) :: NS -> NS -> Bool Source #

Show NS Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types

ToJSVal NS Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types

newtype VTree Source #

Virtual DOM implemented as a JavaScript Object. Used for diffing, patching and event delegation. Not meant to be constructed directly, see View instead.




class ToView v where Source #

Convenience class for using View


toView :: v -> View action Source #

data View action Source #

Core type for constructing a VTree, use this instead of VTree directly.


Node NS MisoString (Maybe Key) [Attribute action] [View action] 
Text MisoString 
TextRaw MisoString 
Functor View Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


fmap :: (a -> b) -> View a -> View b Source #

(<$) :: a -> View b -> View a Source #

IsString (View a) Source #

IsString instance

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


fromString :: String -> View a Source #

ToHtml (View action) Source #

Converting View to Lucid's Html

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types


toHtml :: Monad m => View action -> HtmlT m () Source #

toHtmlRaw :: Monad m => View action -> HtmlT m () Source #

HasLink (View a :: Type) Source #

For constructing type-safe links

Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types

Associated Types

type MkLink (View a) a :: Type Source #


toLink :: (Link -> a0) -> Proxy (View a) -> Link -> MkLink (View a) a0 Source #

HasRouter (View a :: Type) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Miso.Router

Associated Types

type RouteT (View a) a :: Type Source #


mkRouter :: Proxy (View a) -> Proxy a0 -> RouteT (View a) a0 -> Router a0

type MkLink (View a :: Type) b Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Miso.Html.Types

type MkLink (View a :: Type) b = MkLink (Get ([] :: [Type]) ()) b
type RouteT (View a :: Type) x Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Miso.Router

type RouteT (View a :: Type) x = x

rawHtml :: MisoString -> View action Source #

Create a new Miso.Html.Types.TextRaw.

expandable a rawHtml node takes raw HTML and attempts to convert it to a VTree at runtime. This is a way to dynamically populate the virtual DOM from HTML received at runtime. If rawHtml cannot parse the HTML it will not render.

node :: NS -> MisoString -> Maybe Key -> [Attribute action] -> [View action] -> View action Source #

Create a new Miso.Html.Types.Node.

node ns tag key attrs children creates a new node with tag tag and Key key in the namespace ns. All attrs are called when the node is created and its children are initialized to children.

text :: MisoString -> View action Source #

Create a new Text with the given content.

runView :: View action -> Sink action -> JSM VTree Source #

prop :: ToJSON a => MisoString -> a -> Attribute action Source #

prop k v is an attribute that will set the attribute k of the DOM node associated with the vnode to v.

on :: MisoString -> Decoder r -> (r -> action) -> Attribute action Source #

Convenience wrapper for onWithOptions defaultOptions.

let clickHandler = on "click" emptyDecoder $ \() -> Action
in button_ [ clickHandler, class_ "add" ] [ text_ "+" ]

onWithOptions :: Options -> MisoString -> Decoder r -> (r -> action) -> Attribute action Source #

onWithOptions opts eventName decoder toAction is an attribute that will set the event handler of the associated DOM node to a function that decodes its argument using decoder, converts it to an action using toAction and then feeds that action back to the update function.

opts can be used to disable further event propagation.

let clickHandler = onWithOptions defaultOptions "click" emptyDecoder $ \() -> Action
in button_ [ clickHandler, class_ "add" ] [ text_ "+" ]

onCreated :: action -> Attribute action Source #

onCreated action is an event that gets called after the actual DOM element is created.

Important note: Any node that uses this event MUST have a unique Key, otherwise the event may not be reliably called!

onDestroyed :: action -> Attribute action Source #

onDestroyed action is an event that gets called after the DOM element is removed from the DOM. The action is given the DOM element that was removed from the DOM tree.

Important note: Any node that uses this event MUST have a unique Key, otherwise the event may not be reliably called!

onBeforeDestroyed :: action -> Attribute action Source #

onBeforeDestroyed action is an event that gets called before the DOM element is removed from the DOM. The action is given the DOM element that was removed from the DOM tree.

Important note: Any node that uses this event MUST have a unique Key, otherwise the event may not be reliably called!

style_ :: Map MisoString MisoString -> Attribute action Source #

style_ attrs is an attribute that will set the style attribute of the associated DOM node to attrs.

style attributes not contained in attrs will be deleted.

import qualified Data.Map as M
div_ [ style_  $ M.singleton "background" "red" ] [ ]


boolProp :: MisoString -> Bool -> Attribute action Source #

Set field to Bool value

stringProp :: MisoString -> String -> Attribute action Source #

Set field to String value

textProp :: MisoString -> MisoString -> Attribute action Source #

Set field to Text value

intProp :: MisoString -> Int -> Attribute action Source #

Set field to Int value

integerProp :: MisoString -> Int -> Attribute action Source #

Set field to Integer value

doubleProp :: MisoString -> Double -> Attribute action Source #

Set field to Double value

classList_ :: [(MisoString, Bool)] -> Attribute action Source #

Define multiple classes conditionally

div_ [ classList_ [ ("empty", null items) ] [ ]

styleInline_ :: MisoString -> Attribute action Source #

Set "style" property

view m = div_ [ styleInline_ "background-color:red;color:blue;" ] [ "foo" ]
